
Short Bio

Dr. Mingzhe Zhang currently serves as the Deputy Director of Computing System Lab, Ant Research. Before join Ant Group, Dr. Mingzhe Zhang was an Associate Professor at the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IIE, CAS) from April 2021 to May 2024, and an Assistant Professor at Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICT, CAS) from July 2018 to April 2021. Mingzhe graduated from ICT, CAS with Ph.D. degree in 2018, Inner Mongolia University with M.S. degree in 2013, and Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunications with B.E. in 2008. From 2015 to 2017, he was at the University of Chicago as the visiting scholarship, under the supervision of Prof. Frederic T. Chong.


After a long journey of 16 years in the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), I will start the next stage of my career. My next stop will be the director of the Computing System Laboratory at Ant Research.

I would like to appreciate for the educating I have received from the three institutes (ISCAS, ICT, IIE) of the CAS over the past 16 years. In CAS, I have grown from a student to a researcher, and from a young man to a responsible man. I will take the concept of “scientific research for the country, innovation benefits the people” as a lifelong creed, and always regard this place as another home. I want to thank all the teachers, classmates, friends and students for their trust, encouragement and support over the past 16 years. Your help has made me who I am today.

I also want to thank the Ant Research for their trust and invitation, allowing us to work together to promote the development of homomorphic encryption technology in the coming years, contributing our small power to a better world.

Click here to see the up-to-date version of my CV.

Research Interests

I do research in Computer Architecture and Bigdata-oriented System, including:

  • Non-Volatile Memory,
  • Memory-Centric Architecture and system,
  • Emerging Technology,
  • Domain-specific Accelerators
  • Hardware Support for Security and Privacy.
We're recruiting students (M.Sc/Ph.D students and research intern) in the area of computer architecture and hardware security. Please click HERE for more details if you are interested.


  • [2024-07-18] Our paper “Trinity: A General Purpose FHE Accelerator” has been accepted by MICRO 2024! Congrats to all collaborators!
  • [2024-06-03] I join the Computing System Lab@Ant Research as the Deputy Director.
  • [2024-05-24] I will leave IIE, CAS and join Computing System Lab at Ant Research.
  • [2024-05-06] I will serve as the TPC member of ICCD 2024.
  • [2024-04-08] One collaborative paper “Flagger: Cooperative Acceleration for Large-Scale Cross-Silo Federated Learning Aggregation” has been accepted by ISCA 2024! Congrats to all collaborators!
  • [2024-02-27] I will serve as the TPC member of NVMSA 2024.
  • [2024-02-14] One collaborative paper “Alchemist: A Unified Accelerator Architecture for Cross-Scheme Fully Homomorphic Encryption” has been accepted by DAC 2024! Congrats to all collaborators!

More details…

[Last Update: Aug-22-2024]

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