We are HIRING!

We are looking for the self-motivated research interns to join our team. The required knowledge backgrounds include (at least one, the more the better): Computer Architecture, C/C++, CUDA, vivado/verilog/chisel, (analog/digital) circuit design, OS, FHE alogrithms (e.g., CKKS, BFV, BGV, etc), compiler, machine learning, etc.

Currently, our research work focuses on the following topics:

  • Architectural support for FHE technique: The Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) allows directly computation on the encrypted data. However, it suffers from the over-high performance and storage overhead. Our work aims to push forward the application of FHE in real systems with the architectural supports, such as parallel programming, FPGA/asic-based accelerators, memory/storage optimizations, and system/application-level optimizations.
  • General/Specific Hardware Accelerator: We aim to build general/specific accelerators for all kinds of emerging and important workloads (include but not limited to graph processing, genome analysis, data mining, and security-related applications). Our work also involves the recent hot topics, such as NVM, PIM/NDP, power efficiency, data-flow, etc.
  • Architecture-Oriented Security: we aim to find and/or solve the security issues lie in the computer architecture with acceptable overheads.

The qualified applicants will have opportunity to work with our talented team members on the above topics. The forms of joining our team include:

M.Sc/Ph.D research intern (fully funded)

  • For the current M.Sc/Ph.D students, please send us your CV and transcrpt at ANY TIME OF THE YEAR. Note that, you should have get the permit for the research intern from YOUR OWN advisor. Besides, the research intern position requires full time, on-site and lasting for at least one year. For the well-performed research interns, we can provide the recommend letter for the future Ph.D/Post-Doc/job applications.